Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bake 52 Week 4: Light Cheesecake

Ok so I am all about cutting calories if you can and it doesn't ruin the flavor. This week I made a cheesecake. A whole cheese cake. Bad decision. Yes, it is light, but that doesn't mean Tyler and I should eat it all ourselves. The texture was just fine, not as creamy as normal cheesecake, but not bad either. The taste was just a tad bit off, but nothing that bother me too much, I liked it. My problem was with the crust. I know in the past I admit that I skip steps or rush things, but I promise I didn't do that on this recipes because I know how temperamental cheesecake can be. So when it said wait for the crust to be completely cool before adding filling, I did exactly that. My result anyway...a soggy crust. I was pretty bummed. I mean my cheesecake cracked too, but that didn't bother me like this does. And just so you all know, I have made cheesecake before from scratch and it turned out how it was supposed to. So after reading Amanda's blog where she said it is only 60 calories less, I think I'll go with a smaller slice of traditional full calorie cheesecake. Thank you to Talesha for hosting this week you can find the recipe on her page. Maybe I should have done what Amanda did and made a smaller batch or made even smaller batch and put it in a cupcake tin and then freeze them and I could have mini cheesecakes whenever I want. Overall, if the crust was better it might have been a keeper.


  1. I felt that same way, thought it was good, glad I made it but would probably make a regular cheesecake next time. What kind of sauce is on it? It looks good!

  2. yummm!!! that looks so delicious. we miss you guys! let's get together soon?

  3. Looked good. I agree with you and Amanda... I'll take the regular version, but it was fun to give it a try.

  4. I'm so with you, for 60 more calories I'll take the original!! Your sauce looks delish!
