Friday, January 13, 2012

Bake 52 Week 2: Bran Muffins

So this week the recipes is Bran Muffins. To tell you the truth I've never had one before, but I generally like healthy carbs and I definitely like muffins, so I was excited. I however, wasn't excited about getting sick this week with a cold. So I am a bit late on posting, but I am so glad I ended up making this yummy/healthy treats. If you would would like the recipe you can get it here from Valerie's blog. I think she made a good choice because so many of us are trying to eat healthier right now. We will see what we will be baking at the end of this year ;)

So I cheated a bit in two ways. First, I got to see what others had written about the bran muffins before I baked them and second, because I had read others people's reviews I put chocolate chips in them, which I know for certain to be cheating. However, I did make 4 of them plain, but that made me realize I was glad I put chocolate chips in the rest. You see I don't like raisins, but they help make the bran muffins a bit sweeter, so chocolate chips did the trick for me. But the important thing is that we will eat them and still get our fiber out of them. I was also pleasantly surprised to find them soooo moist, I just normal don't think of bran muffins as being moist. But there is quite a bit of yogurt in them which is great. I am very happy that I made these healthy treats.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! glad you liked them. The chocolate chip ones were the best. I think Tyler might have given Tyler one with raisins at school. oops. Sorry you were sick, hope you are feeling better! Your muffins look pretty darn good!
