Friday, November 11, 2011

Very unexpected...

No I'm not pregnant. But here is a good story: On Wednesday I went to an LDS employment seminar thing to find more ideas about getting jobs. While I was there I learned so much, but one thing they told me is that I should own a suit to wear to interviews. I have tried on suits and I really don't look like I belong in them. They are for business women and I am too young and look like I'm playing dress up. But yesterday I decided to go look for one again and brought my friend Tia along. While we were in JCPenny I got a phone call. The lady said that they needed to schedule a physical and TB test and then a final sign on meeting to do paperwork. I was totally confused but decided to go with it because I thought it might be some kind of interview. I start making an appointment and jotting down addresses and then I tell her I'm confused. 
Me: "Is this for a job? Because I haven't actually been hired by Loma Linda, I only had an interview, but I was never told I got the job. I mean she said she would call me last week, but she never did."
HR Lady: "Hold on"
(I stand there outside of JCPenny thinking they called the wrong person and how bad I feel for her that she is going to have to tell me that she made a bad mistake)
HR Lady: "Well Clare you have just been hired, congratulations  and welcome to Loma Linda!"
Tia came out by this time and I jump all over her because I'm so excited. I couldn't wait to get home and tell Tyler. It really is one of the biggest blessings in my life right now and I'm am so grateful for it. I know Heavenly Father has given this opportunity to me even though I know there are so many deserving people that need jobs at this time, I know I will never take my employment for granted again.

So here are the details:
I am Administrative Assistant to the Associate Dean, Dr. Zimmerman, in the Allied Health College at Loma Linda University. It is about 10 minutes away from our home which is another huge blessing that I won't have to commute far away everyday and be stuck in traffic and pay for a lot of gas. I will be working where Tyler goes to school so we can meet up easily. I'll get awesome benefits because well Loma Linda is all about health and taking care of yourself. The building where I'll work is right next to the Drayson center (gym) which I have free membership to. Every Friday I get off work at 2 because of their Sabbath. Last but not least I'm getting paid a lot more than I ever have before.
It really is such a relief getting a job. I know I also learned a lot from being unemployed for so long. Life is looking great right now, especially because I don't have to buy a suit after all   :)


  1. Clare!! You got a job!!! oh that is the best best best news and what a great job too! Congratulations! Let's celebrate on Sunday :)

  2. Congratulations, that's awesome! It's such a great feeling to see hard work payoff. Sometimes it just takes awhile.

    Can't wait to see you guys at Christmas.

    p.s. I'm not a fan of suits either, I see way too many of them here at the law school, but skirts paired with a contrasting blazer can be great.

  3. Congratulations on your new job! We miss you hanging out with you guys. I'm glad everything is working out though for you!

  4. I'm happy for you and know you will do a great job!

  5. YAY! Congrats on the job, it sounds like it will be a great place! But we still all miss you here!
